A rumour about leaked “5G-databases from Sputnik-V” are traveling around internet. The posting speed is currently slow, since we’re in the middle of the summer. Fortunately it still seem to have lower impact in the Swedish anti-vaxxer-movement. And this is probably why I’m sitting here, writing about it – to get prepared, before it arrives.
Then what is this about?
First of all: There is this guy, Hal Turner (Harold Charles “Hal” Turner), who has this radio show. In short terms, according to Wikipedia, he’s an American far-right political commentator and convicted felon from North Bergen, New Jersey. Just so we know what we’re dealing with.
So what did he really do?
He apparently found a video recorded by a Russian “hacker” named Aleksey Kapyshev, who claims that he found a leaked database on the dark web. The database uncovers traceable vaccinated people’s data in realtime, including their GPS coordinates, whether they are asleep or awake, which firmware the injected chip has, etc. A quite sophisticated database in short terms.
Hal Turner states in his post – posted may 20 2020 – that “the video seems so compelling” and therefore “has to be passed on because it claims to show that VAX recipients can be tracked, in real time”. And we usually knows where assumptions leads us.
What he did not know, was that he probably got trolled and now helped spreading something that seem to have made parts of the antivaxxing movement quite upset. The video itself is currently unreachable from the website, but it has been reposted by a podcast called “Off grid desert farming with Paul & Adrienne”. And trust me, this is really blowing minds!
The both videos, the origin and the video from Aleksey himself is collected below if you dare to watch them.
Breaking down the “hack”
When we enter this video, we hear Aleksey starting to talk about the current situation. The absolute first thing I take note on, is the recording date, that is not really very hard to see: April 1. Great! Is this intentional? Probably.

Now, people may say that “it’s just an accidental coincidence”. But if it’s really just a coincidence, it really doesn’t make any sense that he executes ffmpeg during the first few minutes, anyway.
Most of us knows that ffmpeg does not work very well with databases, since it’s more like a swiss army knife for video and audio handling. According to the translation it also looks like the ffmpeg process is stated to be the hacked database, which makes the “intro” anything but a small talk session (some vloggers are known to play games while talking). And since there are moving data on screen, this is more than enough to consider the hack as confirmed for the antivaxxer movement.
But something is still missing! There are no personal data showing up! Just the video information from x11grab which is more about capturing the screen, than dumping a database. Oh, right. It’s not that kind of application. I remember now! Wouldn’t people actually reflect over this mismatching output? Especially since he “found all his vaccinated friends” in it?

Well. After a short while, Aleksey cancels the ffmeg-process, and says that he is about to connect to one of his friend – Ljosha – and his injected 5G chip. He states that he uses the data found in… umm.. ffmpeg?
During the connection process, he first tries to connect to alexeykapyshev.sputnik-v.com with ssh. But since he apparently forgot to edit the hosts file with that name (see the name resolution error in the dump below), he changes the hostname to alexeykapyshev.sputnik-v.ru which points to – or localhost – instead. Since that is set in the hosts file. Besides, sputnik-v.ru is a domain registered august 2020, by a private person. So it do exist for real too.
Now, to be clear here, localhost – – is the very local computer. So in this particular case, this is his own laptop.

Another thing to reflect over here, is that he says that he “is connecting to his friend Ljosha’s chip”, but he uses his own name in the connection string. Isn’t that weird too?
At approximately 2:48, he runs a sputnik-V-control command (thanks for sparing me typing this myself), that can be easily faked with very simple scripting. Console tools are wonderful when it comes to this! When the faked processing finished, a load of data shows up on the screen. Mostly sloppy masked. But still filled with some easter eggs. Or just carefully edited address info to make the video more legit.
The CPU parts that now shows up on the screen, that is passing through Ljosha’s veins might be quite big. So if he possibly dies, it’s because of the oversized microchip. And that would’ve been happened instantly, at the first vaccination date…

The GPS tracking
The firmware that can be seen in the data-section above is pkq1.180904.001 rev 9. It doesn’t say much but it seems to be traceable to a Xiaomi OEM build for Android 9.0. If this is intentional, I don’t know. But probably.
The street address Uvarovskiy Pereulok 4 (55.830634, 37.349542), that is mentioned in the video is actually pointing to a vaccination clinic in Moscow (some people has also been discussing about the fake video here). I guess the coordinates has been placed there to make things look more legit for “true believers” – and in case that someone really looks it up, it shouldn’t just point to a desert. Meanwhile, Ljosha is sleeping at the coordinates 55.805390, 37.419156 nearby. Of course – the clock is just 3 in the morning! Only me and Aleksey are awake…
This case has also been brought up, to the surface by Noel at The Unexpected Cosmology. Noel feels sorry for Ljosha. But that is probably not even necessary, since Ljosha is probably not sleeping, but dead, due to the oversized “micro”-chip put in his veins. Besides, the help of how to destroy the chip has already been posted in the comment section.

Thanks to politifact, Facebook’s fact checking system has marked this information as “partly false information”, even though it probably should be marked as “definitely false information”.
There is a shorter undetailed description in swedish, at the below Facebook page, in case that someone don’t understand anything of the above.